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721 Brooktree Rd
Los Angeles, CA

Hand made dog collars and leashes ecommerce store. 


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Jo's 17th Annual Easter Dog Parade

Janet Meredith

Happy Easter!  We've had an eventful Easter weekend. I flew out to Austin to visit my twins, Janice and Caroline. Lucas and Bandana made the trip too! Saturday we participated in Jo's 17 Annual Easter Dog Parade. The parade started on Annie Street and ended at Jo's coffee shop. Jo's is one of our favorite dog friendly spots. Grab an iced turbo (chocolate ice coffee) and a breakfast taco and you are ready for the best people watching!  Pups are welcome too!

A brass band led the parade to Jo's coffee shop. Dogs were dressed up as hot dogs, ballerinas, martinis, and Campbell's soup cans. Juan Carlos IV and Tex joined us in the parade. Tex was dressed in our batik collars from the Honey collection and looked just like our logo. Juan Carlos was in his Easter best wearing our new Daisy Collar from the Rose Collection soon to be released. 

Caroline and I were dressed in new Collar Me Crazee shirts and hats. Keep a look out they will be up on our site to purchase soon!  We had a basketful of eggs stuffed with freebies to hand out to the parade goers. We can't wait to go to our next Austin event and meet our supporters!