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721 Brooktree Rd
Los Angeles, CA

Hand made dog collars and leashes ecommerce store. 


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Bark Happy Meet Up

Janet Meredith

Bark Happy sponsored a fun meet up at Shake Shack this Sunday in Austin.  Bark Happy is a new start up that connects dog owners. It is like Facebook for dogs!  Our dogs had so much fun and so did we. The main event was a Puppicino eating contest. Each pup received a free custard and peanut butter sundae topped with a dog bone. Juan Carlos IV won his Puppicino contest. This was not a surprise considering his obsession with food!  We loved Shake Shack's dog-friendly patio. Next time you are a the Domain Shake Shack is a great pit stop for you and your pup.

Collar Me Crazee donated a collar and leash for the raffle and we are proud to announce Bill, a Bull Terrier, our winner. See photo below. He chose a Guatemalan Stripe collar from the Bandana Collection. 

Hope to see everyone at the next Bark Happy event.